
One of my pet hates in life is when people set expectations and fail to meet them. I think we in the UK are evolving into a race of people that doesn’t mind letting people down, through false expections.

 I have several examples that I’ve come across recently:

At work – expectations are frequently set – and then it seems it’s ok not to live up to them. Or you can get away with it, if you’re senior enough.

In relationships – people set expectations all the time and think it’s perfectly acceptable to let people down (and worse, try to make a joke out of it, as though it’s not going to affect anyone or hurt people’s feelings).

In movies…packaged food contents…the local council…recycling sites and the government!

It would be nice to think that we could get through a day without suffering some level of disappointment…

 What are your views?  

Three Beautiful Things – hot showers, topless, smiles

The title of one of my favourite blogs…it usually cheers me up on a crazy day. So, as a bit of a tribute to 3BTs I thought I would try it.

1)  ‘Hot’ showers in the morning.

2) Driving with the roof down early in the day.

3) Making someone else smile first thing…

Tyre Kickers in the Office

Too many of them…everywhere. Excuses, excuses…aaaaaargh!
He said…she said.
Salesmen getting into p**ssing contests with each other.

I can’t because…
a) I have to drop off / pick up someone at school
b) two in one day is too much
c) It’s too far for me
d) I need more information
e) It’s not right…

Not my usual post, but stuff that had to be said.
There are those of us that do more than our fair share and those that don’t In fact, there are those that simply seem to take the wotsit…

Perhaps I’m developing a bad attitude?

Well, here are my responses to the above:

a) Is that really part of your working day?
b) Not for most people, what’s wrong with you? Are you just lazy?
c) What does that mean?
d) So, go find out what you need!
e) Do something about it!

Manic Monday

Monday…up with the alarm, cup of tea, toasted muffin, shower, dress, spill toothpaste, dress again, drive and arrive at the office. A bit different to Sunday. The day moved rather quickly – but I’d rather have it that way. I can’t say it’s a great day. The weather was decidedly cooler than yesterday and it rained on the way to the office. Work was, well, a bit of a chore today.

The company advised one of our team that his job is at risk. It was appalling. The process was awful. It was done with the least amount of forethought or planning for his feelings that I’ve ever seen. The person in question has worked here for 12 years – he’s stuck with the company through good and bad, frequently goes beyond the call of duty to make sure his customers are happy and issues are resolved quickly. WHAM. “Thanks, but we need to relocate your role as part of a strategic plan.” BAM. Devastation. The whole thing was done without respect, or empathy. I am appalled yet again.

I’ve been made redundant in the past, so I know how it works – and I’ve learned lessons about loyalty and what that means. But, I’ve never worked somewhere for 12 years…

I got home from work after what turned out to be a tough day and went out for a 4-mile cycle ride. I just needed air. I needed space. I needed to feel something other than the distaste at the day’s events.

What will Tuesday bring?

Saturday Morning…Anyone for Golf?

Saturday morning and the predicted game of golf hasn’t happened… Nevermind. Funny really, but it’s all in the name of keeping a new relationship going – not mine – but that of my golf buddy. Yesterday we had a chat about the proper ‘etiquette’ following a first night together…and I had to ‘advise’ my friend that it wasn’t a good idea to share someone’s bed (for the first time) and then get up to play golf with another woman. No matter how long he and I have been friends, the new girlfriend won’t take too kindly to it!

So, as a thirty-something woman, I’m sitting here wondering why don’t more women play golf? I’m sure it would make for less arguments between couples…

So, here I am, Saturday morning, my boyfriend is playing grown up golf at another friend’s club and I’m doing domestic stuff. Well, I was, but I got about half way through my list and then sat down to have a coffee…and ‘The Holiday’ jumped into the DVD player and switched itself on. Shocking.

I’ve got to get my a** in gear now though, return a pair of killer heels where the leather split after only two days, and then look for an interview suit. Whether I’ll actually look for another job, and get around to interviewing is another story, but work is a little trying right now. It’s that time within a company where you’re completely torn by loyalty to stick it out and see it through the rough times and the selfish part of you that tells you you deserve better than this…

Time for a holiday?

New webpage, new blog

Welcome to my first post at dht240.com – Tribbles, Troubles and Dribbles…

Those that know me well, know the history behind dht240 – those that don’t will have to wonder. I’ve written a blog for over two years, but it’s been kept to a pretty closed circle – now who knows?

Who am I?
A thirty-something female, living in the South East and working in IT – need I say more? I’m happily independent, occasionally stressed, sometimes mad, fast driving, music loving, caring and loyal… I’m intolerant of people who don’t try to better themselves and I can’t stand people who are ‘takers’ in life. 

I work in marketing for an IT company – one which has many tribbles running around – but has some dribbles too. We’ll see what makes it to these pages.