Consultant visit

Today I met a new consultant about a long-standing health issue. Unlike my GP (all three GPs from the surgery in the village), the consultant examined me, went through my medical history with a fine tooth comb and listened when I told him of the side-effects I experience with the drugs prescribed by my GP. Immediately, he offered other alternatives and didn’t try to convince me to go down the drugs route.

The end result is surgery. No, don’t frown. It’s not unexpected. In fact, I kind of thought it would be the option he proposed. I’m not worried by it, in fact, last time I had surgery ‘things’ were a lot easier and more acceptible to live with for quite a while.

The thing that made me frown was around the subject of conception. Babies. Specifically – me having children. Apparently, it is still an option – despite being told years ago that the window for me was a narrow window (and would have closed years ago).

Dazed, confused, shocked, stunned, emotional and numb.

Where to now?

Help! My computer is broken

That’s how my conversations with Mum often start. This week is no exception.

Mum has an old laptop of mine, which had been set up for ‘minimum fuss usage’ – i.e. switch on, hit dial, download email, then disconnect. Nothing complicated. No fuss. Sunday she called (left a message) to tell me she’s getting error 756 every time she hits dial.

Today, she told me that when she get’s the ‘dial box’ it doesn’t go away, so she keeps clicking it and then gets error 756. Bless.

I don’t know what’s happened, but I’m supposed to fix it, so just one dial box appears for her. I can’t do the remote PC support thing, because she’s on dial up – there’s still no broadband in the glen. But, I’m supposed to ‘cure’ the problem by magic.

Error 756 this week. Next week, it will be something different. I’d never paid attention to the error codes, but Mum does. It’s not always a good thing, but this week was kind of funny.

Summer holiday? What’s that then?

This year, BF and I have struggled to find ‘us’ time. Or rather a good time to take a break together. Work gets in the way frequently – for a variety of reasons including confusing quarter end rulings, amd the sheer number of product launches we’re doing before the end of the year. So, our Summer holiday is turning into Winter sun or would, if we could find somewhere to go.

We both need to get away. We both need a break. We need ‘us’ time away from home.


Beach, sailing, golf, sunshine, good food, cocktails, and no mobile signal and absolutely no Internet access whatsoever.

You’d think it would be easy.

Taking stock

My ‘day-to-day’ DVD player is on its last legs. It only occassionally spits out the disks after they’ve been played – not ideal. So, Amazon Prime to the rescue for a next day delivery of the new version. In the process of removing the old one, I had to laugh at the sheer number of pieces of equipment i have in the house:

two DVD players downstairs (one on its last legs, one shiny & new)
three DVD players upstairs (one is a recorder, one just plays and the other is so old, I’m not even sure it works)
one video recorder (and over 100 videos)
a Wii
a PS2
a PS1 (though I can’t remember the last time I took it out of the box)
a Sky HD box
a Sky box (also no longer used)
three printers (one multi function not used, one multi function used, and a photo printer, not used)
two laptops (one work, one personal)
and a desktop
three TVs (one not used)

How did I accumulate so much stuff?
It’s time for a clear out.

Some of the items will be recycled some will go to new homes. One of the girls from work is moving into her own place and is ‘starting from scratch’ – she’s offered homes to some of the items. But the rest? What to do?

Reunion & things

Working for my previous company, and then myself for a while, I didn’t really appreciate how much free time I had. Now, my day starts early, I drive for an hour, spend a few too many hours at the office, drive for an hour – workout, cook, and then, if I’m lucky, do some housework/watch tv/read a couple of emails before I collapse into bed. And then the whole routine starts again.

Where do i find time for email, friends, socialising, decorating, proper housework, let alone gardening, ironing, washing or just chilling out?

Good question.

I have been fortunate enough to take a day off recently to meet up with some friends from uni days. What a fantastic ‘reunion’. Only a few of us – but great nonetheless. Some other halves missing, for various reasons, including an impending arrival (Good luck D & G), step kids weekends, and it being simply too far to travel. The day included four of the next generation – who in most cases just entertained us all. Though there were tears.

thanks to B’ski & B for putting me up and hosting the bash on Sunday! Much appreciated!

In one weekend I drove 1200 miles – to see my parents, to the reunion, and back to Stirling for lunch with G & L. In some ways it was a bit of a nostalgia trip – driving by the Meadow Park, which is now called ‘the Med’ according to a sign outside, past the University, and around the old haunts. How it’s changed. We went to the Birds and Bees for lunch. 20 years ago, it was a bit of a student haunt – a bit dark and not the type of place you would take your kids for lunch. Today, it’s got a bit of an upmarket feel with a menu to reflect that. I was impressed. I even got chatted up at the bar until the guy jumped to the conclusion that G’s daughter was mine… You gotta laugh at that.   As G approached me ready to leave – the poor chap then asked whether I knew of places he could take his wife for their anniversary. Bless.

So, life is busy. But, life is generally good. I think.