
I did walk out yesterday, but only because I thought I’d slap the sales director.

First, I told my boss everything, then lost my temper, drank copious quantities of coffee, went home, hugged the cats and finally went back to the office…calm. (He (as in sales person) had left…had a burst water main emergency…).

My boss is cool by the way.

Excuse(s) of the day…

Today’s been a farce where our sales team are concerned (with the exception of one, seasoned salesman)…

1. One had to leave half-way through a webex (by corporate) due to an emergency at home (the same one with the horse emergency yesterday)

2. One was late joining the call because of a prior appointment…of which his boss was aware but didn’t communicate

3. One is “ill” – but the person in question didn’t want to join anyway…
Too many excuses, too many coincidences?
Still we soldier on…

Why do I care…?

I’ve just been told by someone that works for me that my nerves are going to be shot if I keep worrying about the state of play here. She’s probably right, but I am trying to get to the bottom of what’s broken, why this doesn’t work, and what we can do about it. I know I’m not the only one worrying about it, but I feel no-one else (or rather the people who are responsible) is taking action.

Why do I care? Because that’s who I am.

Taken for granted

I had a call from my mum today about a familiar problem in the area we’re from in Scotland – water – or the lack of it (er, yes, I know…Scotland and a lack of water…).

Since I was a little girl, our water supply came off the hill from a land drain. About 150 years ago, with a horse and cart some of the locals dug into the hillside and created “natural” filters for the water with sand, pebbles and reeds. Over the past 150 years that has started to break down. At the moment the land around the water supply is being intensively used for grazing both cattle and sheep and consequently, the water coming into the house is filthy.  My parents have several holding tanks on the hillside and then they have two filter systems in the house – plus a separate filter for anything they want to drink! Each filter needs to be replaced every other month. A couple of months ago, one of the hillside tanks collapsed, revealing about 30cm of iron pan and sludge at the bottom…

You probably live in a town, you turn on the tap and hey presto the water comes out: clean, clear and ready to drink? Yes? Well, imagine turning on the tap and it having fresh water shrimp in it, it’s brown (from the peat), it occasionally contains iron pan, and more often than not isn’t clear and believe me…you cannot drink it. That on top of the local water table dropping significantly has made it a real problem.

For years there has been a promise of connection to the mains water 12 miles away…and disappointment when it hasn’t happened. Now, the local MP is coming to the nearest village to talk to the locals about their issues – Mum wants to campaign for an easier solution. (Wants me to write the letters.) The easier solution (rather than laying 12 miles of pipe) is to put in a small treatment plant at the head of the glen – where the river Brerachan falls… It never runs dry. It’s always a good rate flowing down from the hills behind and has enough water to service the houses where supply is in jeopardy.

Next time you turn on the tap – just don’t take it for granted that the water will be clear, drinkable or useable. Think before you waste it. Don’t rinse your dishes before you put them in the dishwasher – let it do its job etc. etc. 🙂

Sunshine = more pubs

It’s the weekend, the sun is shining so it’s time to go for a beer. Into the car, top down, through the country lanes to a local village. We seek out the one recommended by the website we regularly look at and end up having a rather quick beer (well, a cola for me) before making a swift exit for another of the village pubs. Ratings below:

Cricketers, Pirbright (3/5) – apparently the real ale was good, but no food available (although it does say food available). Good views over the cricket ground make this a nice pub to sit outside in the sun…which is what we did.

The White Hart, Pirbright (4.5/5) – not a five for the simple reason my choices from the menu were all sold out and I ended up with something I didn’t really care for. That said, the atmosphere is fantastic, the staff very friendly and funny, the food was great and the selection varied – not just your average pub grub. With papers on a rack and a brunch menu lurking behind the bar – this one’s worth a sunday morning visit…and a taxi home!

Ah, must be a bank holiday weekend!

Another pub…

Forgot to mention I went to another local pub last week after work…

The Boot, Bracknell (?/5) – don’t feel I can really comment on the pub, as we sat outside…but it seemed to be an interesting place. There was a biker wedding happening inside (or so I’m told)… And an interesting crowd on the patio! But the most interesting thing of all is the description of the pub on :

I’ll let you judge…


Over the past week I’ve had lots of interaction with various babies… My god-daughter, and the two daughters of friends – staying with me while building work is completed on their house.

My god-daughter is adorable. She was one year old last week – and at her party was delightful! Today she got a call from her agency and did a “test” with Andie McDowell for a film she’s working on in London! Unbelievable…! My god-daughter! I just hope they make sure she’s dressed in pink!

And the other babies in the house are so lovely. The little one (7 months) is just so cute. Bad teething pain made her a little grisly on and off, but that’s completely understandable. And, when she does smile or gurgle at you…awww. The big one (25 months) is such a character! Full of fun, mischief starting in very tiny doses…but it’s there.

It’s been a real pleasure having them to stay and the house is very quiet without them. But, having two so small means that their parents have a lot of hard work.

G posted recently that expectations change when you have children – he’s so right…
But, what’s really clear as a non-parent is that remembering why you (parents) are together, what you love about each other, and that you have to make time for each other, fun, friends etc. is the key to surviving the early years. 

Recent blog entries

I apologise that work has dominated somewhat… I think work is on the mind rather a lot. It’s all the nonsense that goes with it. Oh dear.

I intend to rectify the recent posts (aka rants) about work over the coming days. I have other activities going on which will distract me from the torrent of excuses from the office!

Like running…and golf…and babies…and a bank holiday weekend!